Let's Give Hunger a Scare this Year! [Individuals]

Before Halloween
  • Plan a decorating theme for your yard, porch, door or deck, whatever is appropriate for you. Make the evening magical for young children; you can be a little more sophisticated and spooky with older kids and adults. If you have school aged or college aged children, spring and summer vacation is a really good time to begin. This allows you enough time to find inexpensive or free supplies to create your decorations.
  • If you have multiple households on your street participating, select somebody to be the food pantry contact. If you are the only participating household, contact Steve or Maureen to arrange for your donations to be collected for the Pantry.
  • Create a sign that you can use to identify your home as a participant in Halloween Against Hunger. Please remember to use the logo from the packet of materials. You may shrink, blow up, draw, or otherwise add to the logo to make your sign effective. If you have a front yard, consider making a 2-sided sandwich sign, identical on both sides and visible from both directions on your street. Coat the sign, logos and any additions with weatherproof coating such as polyurethane to make it usable year after year.
  • Place your sign in a visible location. We want to attract lots of donations, not just from trick-or-treaters, but from neighbors and friends!
[ During Halloween ] • [ After Halloween ]

How To Get Involved!

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